On the good news front, I am progressing to using only 1 crutch, which makes navigating life considerably easier, I am anxiously awaiting the
ortho clinic, which I hope will 1) pop my knee back into position-giving me the ability to walk unaided. 2) tell me I can return to work 3) tell me that if I need surgery they will do it next week.
Knee is not hurting nearly so much-can sleep much better. I kind of get grossed out when thinking that there may be a piece of cartilage caught
inbetween bones in my knee, but don't know at this point if that is even the case. Self-diagnosis. Though a couple doctors have also mentioned that they think this is what it is.
Crutches are uncomfortable on armpits, I have discovered. Who knew?
Mom did our grocery shopping for us, while I sat on bench waiting for her, as I chauffeured her and then Richard met us after work to unload groceries. Many hands make light work. I was also able to weed front bed that Richard made this spring by plopping myself down and scooting along the grass, throwing crutches and implements ahead of me as I made my way along. I didn't need the crutches to weed, but if I needed to get up in a hurry, didn't want them at the other end of the yard.
We have several roses in our yard! Some shrub ones, and tea roses-dark red, pink, yellow-pink, red, mauve (seriously-who thought mauve roses were a good idea?), yellow, apricot. They really are quite beautiful and I have discovered that they are not as intimidating as I had presumed they were. We have stuck with hardy shrub roses before as other kinds seemed overwhelming, but they are actually pretty easy care-other than me having to go out regularly and kill aphids with
I am also participating in a research study to determine other costs
attributed to workplace injuries-like family help, taxi fares, household help. I like to feel that I am helping a greater cause-plus I really like filling out surveys. I am excited when I get the big census form, not just the general one.
Labels: gardening, in case anybody cares, knees, research