The Case of the Bedazzled Feline
I sometimes let Natasha out at night to run around and catch small mammals. She is usually waiting at the door the next morning, ready for food and sleep. Last week, I did let her out, and in the morning she wasn't there; I wasn't worried, though, because she is a smart animal and always shows up. After work, she still wasn't there. I was outside, doing a little bit of gardening, and saw her on the step. She had something around her neck. I looked closer, and it was a little heart-shaped necklace with fake diamonds on it.
Two days later, she had disappeared for a while and again showed up at the door when I was outside. This time, she was wearing a set of multicoloured beads.
Who is doing this?? I think she might leave me.
It is the people at the Mustard Seed, thanking her for fellowship.
Or, she's mistaking costume jewellery for the real stuff and inadvertly stealing paste jewels.
Is there a house full of 12 year old girls near by? I'd question them first, if I were you.
She loves you for providing food water a space, but wheres the bling-bling? She had to go searching for it and oh joy - she found some
I hope you are not offended but I had to laugh when I read your post. I was not laughing at your pain though.
It is the weirdest thing I have experienced re: cats. It is even weirder than having someone come to my door and ask me if my cat could come outside and visit.
Nick recently peed on Richard's knapsack. We think that he was angry that we put tinfoil down on the tile floor where he was peeing before-in front of the litter box.
Richard thinks he may choose my shoes next.
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