I have heard lots of good music over the past couple of weeks but as I commented to Grace at folkfest, after a while you need to step back from it for a bit.
We saw John Fogerty in Red Deer. He's pretty energetic for a 50-year-old, never mind that he is actually 70. It was a good concert even though Geoff had to tell people in front of us to sit down so we could see. Tim went too and he said that he has seen lots of concerts, but this one was the best he has been to. There was a real mix of ages in the audience.
Then there was folkfest. It has been many years since I was able to be at the whole thing from start to finish. The weather forecast was not very good but the forecast was wrong because it was warm and sunny the whole time. Maybe too hot in the afternoons. When the lineup was announced in June there were not many names I recognized so a lot of artists were new to me. But now I have some new favourites. There was this one band from Mongolia, Hanggai, who were amazing. I would have missed them if my friend Linda hadn't recommended them.
Geoff only came a couple of days so we (meaning Laura and Grace) sold the tickets for the days he didn't come. It was really good to see Laura, Grace and Dallyn for the weekend, it was a good time to visit. I am sure Dallyn and Grace were glad to come home to an empty house on Wednesday after work. We sure appreciated their hospitality.
Grace was off work on Monday so we went to Fort Edmonton Park for the afternoon. It was great, although hot again. We met Jude, Allison, Grace, Sam, Henry and Aly for supper that night and a had a good time visiting with all of them. Forgot to say that we went to see Auntie Kay and Uncle George on Friday, always good to see them.
Geoff had a CT scan in Red Deer on Tuesday so we drove down for that, then back to Edmonton so I could go see Mumford & Sons with Jude, Grace and Dallyn. That was a wonderful concert even with the talkers around us. It was so good I even stood up for part of it, along with everyone else so I did not block anyone's view.
This Saturday is the Crimson Lake Trail Run. Gail who I used to work with decided not to head the run up this year and we thought it might have to be cancelled but a couple stepped up to take charge. I am still involved and this year have a few more responsibilities, which is fine as I also have more time. It's a good event, we get runners from all over. Geoff and Jude are volunteering as well.
Then a couple of days to pack and it's north to Alaska!
Off now to cook lots of fresh vegetables for supper.