Mom and the Premier
We all met her and we took Mom's picture with her! It turned out nicely.
Richard also got in on the action!
Christy Clark is very personable.
I had my summer class the past 2 weeks. 6 days in total, Thurs-Sat for 2 weeks. tiring, but a whole lot better than taking a class every week for the whole summer. I just finished the essay for it. The only thing that kept me sane in the class was my friend Terry. We provided comic relief for the very serious and intense people in there. I think everyone cried during the class except Terry, me, and this other woman. I felt like Spock. I told Terry I appreciated having him in class because he was a weirdo like me.
I am getting tired of going to school. Let's wrap it up already. You know, I think I have taken at least 10 years of post secondary education. And I still have to write a thesis.
However, I have 2 members of my committee and I like both of them a lot, and I think they will be very helpful.
We have to rent out our downstairs suite, I think we found some tenants. They are from out of town, which is difficult, because then we don;t get to meet them 1st, but their references checked out, and she sounds quite great on the phone.
It was sunny and warm today, laundry dried in no time.
We went to see World War Z last night. Recommend it if you like apocalypse movies. And who doesn't?