And it finally feels like it. This past weekend was lovely.
And productive. Taxes got done, some weeding got done, cookbook gift for Nathan and Janelle (getting married in Ontario) got done. And dug up Mom's vegetable patch.
I do love my work and like 8 hour days, but I miss having big stretches of time off. However, the 4 day weekend was nice.
Our apricot tree is winding down it's bloom and now the flowering plum is in full swing.
We went over to Jones to weed, and I picked a whole bunch of tulips.
There are many weeds and also many flowers over there.
I am really looking forward to going to Vancouver in May with Mom. We will leave Friday after I finish my class. I hope it ends early.
we went over to Mom's for Easter, which was nice. Then there were a whole bunch of leftovers, so Mom said why don't you come over tomorrow too? Or we could have it over there. Come over to our place and see my new planters with plants (excellent looking petunias, heliotrope, and lobelia), I said. But somehow we did not communicate our intentions well. So Mom came over at 530. Great I said, where's the food? What food, said Mom. She very kindly went back over to her place and brought back food for supper.
How did someone who is able to feed people so effortlessly have a child who does not?
I got my final paper grade back and did well!
I applied to grad school a couple weeks ago too-or did I mention that already?
Hockey game last night was very good. But I had to leave during overtime and sit upstairs as I get too anxious. I raced down when I heard Richard shout and got to see the Canucks winning goal on replay.