Tuesday, March 29, 2016

First spring

This is sure a nice time of year in BC. We get to see spring here, then again later at home.
Our trip is going well. We had a good visit in Kelowna. Mom was feeling good the first day we were there so we went out and did some errands. She was tired the next day so we just hung around and visited. Drive to Tofino was fine, but it takes up most of a day from Kelowna. Lisa came too, driving her own car as she had to get back before us, but it was great to have her to visit with here too. She found the cutest little place to stay. We are in Will's spare room.
It has just been a really good week. The weather is good and we have been tagging along with Will as he goes about his business, or we have just relaxed at his place. We have had some nice walks, a bit of shopping, some church, a movie, dinners out, naps. 
We are off tomorrow to Nanaimo to visit Dick and Jo, then we will stop in Harrison Hot Springs for the weekend before heading back to Kelowna. Mom has a couple of things for us to do before we head back home.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Nothing like Company for Easter!

It's been a busy few week (actually, a busy year), but now it's Easter weekend, and Mom and Dad and Lisa are here, so that's really nice.  They arrived on Thursday, which gave me just enough time to get most of my Easter preparations done at the church.

The weather has been pretty rainy all winter here.  Locals tell me this is the norm and the sunny winters I've had for the last two years.  I don't mind the rain, but it was getting to be a monotonous.  Luckily this weekend, or at least on Friday, the weather was great, and we were able to get out for a walk on the beach in between naps.

Allie was out for a visit in January, for a couple weeks, which was great.  She got a cheap flight on New Years Eve, but landed in the afternoon, so we were able to be back in Tofino for celebrations with Jeff and Kirsten and some other friends.  It was right after she flew home that her dad died really unexpectedly, and thanks to the Bishop and a colleague who filled in for me,  I was able to go there for ten days to be with Allie.  It was nice to spend so much time with her in January, but the reasons weren't great for part of it.

Since coming back it's felt a little hard to catch up. The time between Christmas and Easter is when a lot of church meetings happen, and when our annual reports and statistics are due, so I've had a lot of paperwork to do, some of which even got done!

But for right now it's nice to have Mom and Dad and Lisa here for a bit, and have the sun out!  If the weather holds, I think we're going to try for a beach fire later today.  

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Sunday, March 20, 2016


Thesis is defended, and because no one else is posting, I will.
I was nervous , but presented well, and I think I managed to answer the questions well. They were actually hard, though! My supervisor said 'those were hard questions' and another member of committee said 'let's remember this is a masters thesis not a doctoral dissertation.' 'Yes,' I said to myself, 'let's remember that!'

Anyway, they passed me with only minor revisions, so that's pretty great. I will publish I think, although the idea of doing more of this seems a bit much right now. Still, if I've done all this work, I think I should publish.

We are painting at Jones. I don't mind painting, it's all the clean up that is wearing.

Looking forward to seeing Ferrey's tomorrow. I think I might go to Tofino , even though mom is thinking she will stay home and rest up. A 4 day weekend shouldn't be wasted.

The deer have eaten a bunch of tulips. Nice animals, but indiscriminate in their food choices. Richard saw raccoon leaving our yard to head over to mom's last night. Hopefully not looking for quail?

I have been hearing red wing blackbirds, which always seems like spring has arrived!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Better Now Thanks

Increasing dose and being mindful etc., seemed to help as my anxiety is gone! Phew!  dr did not chastise me for increasing dose without going to her first, and wrote an Rx for new dose, I go to see her in 6 months.

My defense is this week on Thursday at 4 pm. I took Friday off, in anticipation of needing a day off to recover. I will be doing adult guardianship training this week for 3 days=boring, but a little break is always good from regular work.

there is a reorganization at work, which won't really affect me all that much, at least not at this point, though I will be reporting to a new manager. My previous one is now in a different role-figured this would happen as splitting manager between 2 different cities would only be for so long. I get along fine with new manager, so hopefully this continues.

Mom and I went to Greenery and bought spring plants! I am will plant today and see if Mom wants help with hers too, or not. Crocuses blooming right now, but I think they are on way out, I notice the deer ate a few tulips-nice animals, but leave flowers alone please. Am hanging laundry out, did last week too, though taking a long time to dry.

Richard is painting at Jones again. tenant upstairs gave notice, so downstairs tenant is moving in there, but Richard wanted to paint the 2 bedrooms he didn't do last time. So we'll have to rent out downstairs suite. Shouldn't be a problem, given low vacancy rate.

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Anxiety No More

I got back from Mexico, was sick for 3 days, and had a major meltdown after work on the one day I went into work the week I returned. Came home and cried for 2 hours. This led me to realize I was having major anxiety, that had been slowly creeping up on me for a few weeks.

I'm not really 100% sure what caused my anxiety to return like that, I hadn't had that happen for a long time. I think being done my thesis, weirdly contributed-like I kind of time to think or something. Work had been getting busier-early spring/late winter=very bad mental health-wise. New psychiatrist contributed to different team dynamics. Being sick didn't help. And I am peri-menopausal.

So, I have slowly been recovering-bumped up my effexor (I see dr on Tuesday, sure hope she approves me adjusting, cause I've already done it), and have been making conscious effort  to avoid work etc. when off, doing relaxation exercises, eating better, cutting down coffee, exercising more, etc. So, am feeling much better than last weekend, where I was all anxiety.  Is a good reminder of healthy life habits and need to be balanced. we are all human.

Mom was feeling terrible this week, went into doctor, who diagnosed a return of throat/mouth infection. She is on antibiotics and recovering. However, she missed a bloodtest, due to feeling so terrible, so went on Friday, and unfortunately her bloodwork showed that her blood was way too thin, so she needed Vitamin K to counteract the Warfarin yesterday-she took it last night, and goes for another bloodtest Monday. She is tired of this rigmarole  she says, but I think she'll be better pretty quick.

My defense is Mar 17 at 4 pm. Am hopeful that it will be ok and that I don't stare blankly at them when they ask a question. The good thing is that a) I am very comfortable presenting and talking b) I interview well usually.

I am going to take the next day, Friday, off.

Bulbs are blooming here :) Crocuses, and mom has some early small irises! I plan to clean house and prune apricot tree today in the sunshine!

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

On the mend

The day we got back from Mexico I started feeling sick and it was almost a week before I even felt like getting out of bed. I know, I should have got a flu shot. Geoff got one and he just had a bit of a cough, then felt fine. I am still a bit tired but feeling much better.
When I retired I thought that when I get sick (even though it doesn't happen very often) I could take as long as I needed to recover, but that does not seem to be the case, still things I had to make myself do. Like work. But not for long! Things have shifted around at work and I will be done next week! I kind of liked working but I don't want to be tied down.
We definitely decided to join Jude for the cruise in November so are booked for that. Geoff wasn't sure at first, then suddenly one day he said, " I have always wanted to sail across the Atlantic." So we will go.
We are also planning to visit Will for Easter, with a stop in Kelowna if they will have us.
Went to the city for a Matt Anderson concert, our Christmas present from Grace and Dallyn. It was a great concert. In the afternoon we went to have a look at the dream house prizes in the Full House lottery. The houses are ridiculously large, but I bought tickets anyway. The concert was Sunday night so we stayed over and got up early so I could get to work on time.