house is clean!
Other things like thesis and painting at rental took over our priorities. I do like having the house clean. I feel like a more successful human being.
Sent off proposal for thesis. They'll suggest changes of course, but it felt good to get it sent off. It's kind of like I know they'll suggest all kinds of other things, so it doesn't make sense to have complete with formatting etc, because I'll just have to change it anyways. And good Lord, there's a lot of research to do for the damn thing. Like at least 10 pages of references. And I may be underestimating. The paper itself is at 31 pages at the moment. Sure, having even more research on general mental health literature sounds good, even though I have found almost all that I swear is out there on attitudes of nurses to people with BPD,because there was quite literally nothing on my exact research subject, I say cheerfully to my advisors. Though is better to do this type of thing now and pass then be less thorough and FAIL THE PANEL!
As a consequence, I keep having school anxiety dreams. You know, when you show up for a class and realize that you have not attended all year? And now you either have a final or a paper due?
Mom and I went flower shopping Sat and bought spring flowers! I planted them yesterday-pansies and primroses mostly. Sure makes me feel pleased. Weather has finally improved a bit!
We went to see Noah this weekend. Don't bother. But we also went out for delicious Thai food at a new restaurant.
Mom and I are going to go to Tofino for Easter. Richard has to work. Bummer.
Woman at work keeps saying to me, and I think it's meant as a compliment, oh that looks slimming on you. I may start replying, 'oh, that's too bad. I was going for the chunky look'.
Richard has been painting away at Jones. He's been really steady at work too for him.
I found Sebastian also peeing on floor. But I think it was because I had the litter box empty for cleaning.