Here's a letter-feel free to distribute, modify as you see fit. I have minister of health's info-but I think it should also be sent to your mla. I have just cut and pasted, as can't add word documents.
May 24, 2010
Honourable Minister of Health Gene Zwozdesky
#208 Legislature Building
10800 97 Ave
Edmonton Alberta T5K 2B6
Dear Minister Zwozdesky,
I am writing to ask that you consider adding infliximab, trade name Remicade, as a Special Authority treatment for ulcerative colitis under the Alberta health care pharmaceutical coverage. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, that can often result in large bowel removal when medical and pharmaceutical interventions are not effective in achieving remission for people living with this life long illness. Initial treatment consists of cortocisteriods and aminosalicylates. However, not all people respond to these drugs and without the use of infliximab, removal of the colon with the resulting need for an ileostomy and exterior bag is the only option once other drug treatments have not worked.
Peak incidence of ulcerative colitis is for people between the ages of 30-50 years of age, affecting approximately 0.1% of the population, and with no known cause, other than a genetic susceptibility. Given that it affects younger people, surgical removal of the colon has significant effects on their psychological and emotional well being. Surgery itself has risks and though effective in disease remission for this disease, is not an option that many would choose if a pharmaceutical option were available.
Remicade/infliximab has been shown in studies to be effective in treating refractory ulcerative colitis. Studies by Chey (2006), Gornet, Couve, Hassani et al (2003), Jarnerot, Herterviq, Friis-Liby et al (2006), Rutgeerts, Sandborn, Feagen et al (2005), Lees, Heys, Ho et al (2007) among others show that infliximab is a viable treatment for moderate to severe refractory ulcerative colitis. Unfortunately, treatment with infliximab is prohibitively expensive for people without 3rd party insurance as it costs approximately $24, 000 per year.
Given the cost of infliximab and proven effectiveness in decreasing surgical intervention, I ask that you consider adding this drug to the Special Authority list to allow people living with ulcerative colitis the option to use this effective but costly drug.
I appreciate your time in reading my letter and look forward to hearing your response to this issue.
Yours truly,