Saturday, May 08, 2010


No this is not Geoff in a tree, we went on a tour to Nicaragua on Thursday and took a boat trip out on Lake Nicaragua, there are 365 islands on the lake, one of the islands has monkeys living there. It was a really good trip, learned lots about Nicaragua, and most importantly got more stamps for our passports. The day did not start out very well, the bus had a flat tire so was late picking us up. but once that was over the rest of the day went really well. The border crossing is crazy, all these trucks lined up waiting to cross, and here we are in our little mini bus going in and out of traffic, thank goodness for our driver Paulo, he was awesome. Our guide was Luis and he was really knowledgeable. We saw Granada, which is a colonial city in Nicaragua, beautiful architecture, and very pretty. We also went to see a Volcano in a national park. that was very cool, because it is an active volcano you can only stay for 20 minutes at the site. There was black lava all around and it looked it was just dirt that some one dug up, but apparently it can cut through shoes and jeans, though we did not test that out. Some lunch and shopping rounded out the day. There was a little trouble at the border, apparently when we went in to Nicaragua, someone did not stamp the right papers for the bus, but a little time and everything got worked out and were on our way home to the hotel.
Yesterday was spent on the beach recovering from our trip.

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Blogger Allison said...

Actual monkeys!

8:07 AM  

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