I think due to time change? I am awake at 345 today, so decided to finally give in and get up.
Trip was good. It is a spectacularly beautiful place-ocean is turquoise, beaches are white, fine sand with absolutely no rocks. Our resort was quite nice looking-grounds were large and swimming pools were nice, though we spent all our time at the beach, not the pool. I am always surprised how many people don't go to the beach at these places.
Our hotel seemed to have Canadians-with a large French contingent, and Russians! In fact, menus were in Spanish, English, French, and Russian. Our room was in the quiet area, for which we were thankful. The rooms closer to the beach were louder and i think older. Beach was great people watching with the variety. Many speedos-Russians seem to wear only those. we had several people on our radar we would watch for-Ghankini-this older man all bald, small, and leathery looking wearing an assortment of unattractive speedos. Naked girl-young, topless, and with only a teeny/tiny string for the bottom. Rude girls-who were on our plane-and at the check in counter got angry that there was some sort of issue and said loudly to each other, 'This woman doesn't even speak English' Actually she does, and she made them wait longer. Justice.
Food was dreadful-ug. Boiled hotdogs on pizza dreadful. Lukewarm boiled carrots and potatoes-with no seasoning dreadful. Boiled hamburgers. I avoided most meat products, though stupidly had mayonnaise one day and regretted it as I felt the aftereffects. Poor Richard got a terrible 24 hours of intestinal trouble-we think it was the Dominican sausage. I don't know if he has ever had something like that before, having a stomach of steel. After 24 hours he was able to come to the beach, so long as we were near the bathrooms.
I would go back to Punta Cana, but not this hotel. I discovered that it is fine for things to be either unhygienic or tasteless, but not both at the same time. I also discovered that when travelling, it is important for me to have tasty food. It doesn't have to be every meal, but I need at least some food that has flavour.
I will post a couple pictures later. On the flight back we also had beautiful scenery over the Carribean-saw all these deserted islands with blue, blue water all around. spectacular!