2010 Year in Review
Our nephew Josh came to visit-went to salsa dancing and cougars were on the prowl. Mom's 80th birthday-Jim and Sandi were here to visit-we had a lovely time.
February-Not much. Tenants in our old place cannot figure out how to use thermostat-resulting in $350 gas bill. We are amazed at their lack of commonsense
March-to Edmonton for weekend. Thank you Lingnan. We have nothing to compare to this here. It was a fun weekend sewing. Bus #5 was awesome as always
April-birthday, anniversary. We eat out a lot this month. I started yoga again-good for me. I am happier when doing yoga.
May-Weather improving, replanted tulips as our yard does not have enough flower interest. mom buys house across the street from Stan and Olive who moved into assisted living. We begin working on getting Mom's house ready to list and the new place ready to move into. Lots of painting, renovating etc. All worth it in the end. Richard and I go to Vancouver-sadly missing Will who goes to Sri Lanka. I have a conference on Addictions and Mental Health.
June-get permanent educators job. Continuing to work on Mom's new place. Theresa, Long's, Allison here to help with same.
July-Mom moves in across the street. We all collapse in exhaustion. except Clem who settles in nicely.
August-Houseboating-with storm and cousins and salmon and bears. Fun and exciting! Folkfest-enjoyable-and got to see Jude right after her surgery. thankfully she recuperates well.
September-We paint our outside deck-listening to Earth, Wind and Fire singing September. decide to do my master's of nursing.
October-To Ontario for a week. Weather and visiting all good. See Niagara Falls as usual, also go to Guelph for a visit with Anne and Kafka. Join BC Schizophrenia Society board in Kelowna. Downstairs tenant moves out. Dirty is an understatement. Richard does bathroom. I will forever be in his debt.
November-Jude and Ferrey's come for visit. Snow. Mom's lights are installed!
December-To Rocky for Christmas. Christmas prep-but not stressed-even with mailing gifts. Strange but true.