Friday, December 17, 2010

A Very Good Week for Me

It started on Sunday, Kirsten invited me over for 3rd Advent, there was singing, snacks and Gluhwein. The group this year were very much into singing, so we went through quite a bit of the Wurman family songbook. I borrowed Grace's car to drive to Kirsten's, picked up Allison and Todd. After 3rd advent, I picked up Grace and we drove over to my house and decorated my tree, ate pizza and watched the last Amazing Race of the year.

Monday night Grace and I drove out to Namao and picked up Henry for supper. Luckily we were early because we got an unintentional tour of the base. Took a wrong turn, and had a little trouble finding the Shack where Henry lives. After we picked up Henry back to town, and picked up Sam and went out for supper. It was really nice to see the three cousins together again, but hard to believe that they are all grown up. We had a good visit, and then drove Henry back, this time had an intentional tour of the base. Henry showed us where he works, and point out all the highlights of the base.

Tuesday another dinner out, with a bunch of people from work, and some people that I used to work with. great to catch up. Wednesday night I stayed home and enjoyed some quiet. Thursday night Geoff came into town to stay over, and pick up Will from the airport this morning. We went out to Rigolettos for supper and I had my favourite baked Rigatoni, yummmm. Thursday at noon we had our Christmas lunch at work. It was a potluck and our group was on the main course and we decided to pool our money and got it catered, with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy. Lots of other good food was there it was lots of fun.

Today Anne, Grace and I had breakfast at Zuppa's, then off to Whyte Avenue for shopping. It was not so cold today and the stores were not too busy. Only another week until Christmas, I cannot wait.

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Blogger Theresa said...

You will be ready for a rest when you get here.

12:41 PM  
Blogger bethsivak said...

Hey Jude - what a social animal you are - go, go go
I can't wait either

1:36 PM  

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