Summer is ending
Suddenly there is a fall feeling in the air. I am not sure what it is, there is a kind of tang in the air. We went out berry-picking this afternoon and saw a few changing leaves.
August has seemed busy. We were in Kelowna for the long weekend for a great visit with everyone including Will, Allie and Allie's mom Judi. We went to a lavender farm and to the nut farm plus a walk along the lake downtown. It was nice to meet Judi and to see Allie again. Will and Allie had to do a bit of organizing re their house sale, like arranging an inspection. I thought that was why they were on their phones so much, but it turned out they were mostly playing Pokemon Go.
It was a quick visit because we had to get back for folk fest. Geoff decided not to go so it was Jude, Laura, Dallyn, Grace's friend Brenda and I. It was a really good weekend. Although rain was forecast all weekend it only rained overnight once. I find that some years are better than others as far as the music goes, but this year I saw so many great musicians. My favourite was Mike Farris, he was there last year, but this year he was on the main stage. I don't know what it is about him, but I was happy to follow him to all his stages. Passenger was also great along with Nathaniel Ratecliff, John Wort Hannam and Gordie McKeeman.
We had the boys quite a bit while things were getting sorted out after Dana died. What a shock that was for everyone. The boys were here for the funeral but Jude said she would watch them so we could go. I was glad we were able to go.
Yesterday was the trail run, which the three of us volunteer for. It went well, all the runners seemed to be enjoying themselves so it is fun to be around happy people. It's a lot of organizing, though, so I am glad it is over for another year. The other organizers and volunteers are great people to work with.
Just got back from supper at Tim's. Their yard is so lovely.
It's supposed to rain most of the week so I think I will pickle some beets and beans.