I realize I have a hard time thinking of titles for posts. So I'm not doing one.
Rolling along, things are coming together at work, I think. Out of 12 people, just one who is a flake, so that's pretty good. And that's the only one who didn't interview. Thanks union policy. I may be left wing, but I sure do not like unions who ensure that people who barely scrape through work are protected.
There is a lot of organization to starting a new program. But it's coming together and we are getting more and more organized. Community is a much slower pace than acute though. I'm used to moving quicker. I just make sure that my days are good and busy.
Have not done anything with thesis since last weekend and I did very little then. Will do my next draft for revision by end of weekend! I told my supervisor that I had a lot going on recently.
I booked us into Harrison Hot Springs for long weekend. Yardwork be damned! It looks like it will be cloudy that weekend-naturally, as when is May long weekend ever not raining/cloudy?
We were digging up Mom's garden this week, and realized that Sebastian's yowls can be heard over there. Someone will call police on us at some point I am sure, as it sounds like he's being tortured. I think it might be a dementia process.
We bought season 4 of Game of Thrones-for anyone who wants to borrow it. I'm thinking they'll be introducing new characters since they seemed to have killed off pretty much everyone.
Mom went to see Dr Kramer yesterday, who said she was fine from his ear/nose/throat perspective. He did clean out her ears though. I am envious of that.
Beautiful blue sky out there and supposed to get up to 24 today, so I am also going to clean off deck.