Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Friday, December 20, 2024
Au revoir Paris
Monday, December 16, 2024
Saturday, December 07, 2024
Layoff update
Overall, the company was aiming for 130 people to take voluntary buyout packages. Total actual subscription was 165 and about another ~20 laid off on top of that, so a reduction of close to ~190 people, around 40% of Canadian office staff.
I didn't take the package and wasn't laid off. Some people were demoted, a few were relocated (to the branch office in Phoenix) and a few were promoted. As expected I was shuffled to a different job (lateral), as a manager again, with three people to do the work previously done by five. It will be messy but we should be able to pull it off, it will just be very time-intensive and we will have to cut a lot of things, which I expect lots of people won't like but otherwise it won't work. Morale is low for everyone left, which will be fun.
In addition, the company did a lot of retitling of jobs. Most people ended up with worse titles, which is a big deal for a lot of people, especially in the corporate world when you are dealing with external counterparties (e.g. some people that were "directors" were retitled as "senior leads", which sounds a lot worse and doesn't map to other the titles of other companies in the industry). Titles are free so I'm not sure why they did this particular aspect. Basically everyone has a new job or a combined job with fewer people so it should be interesting for a year or so until things stabilize. My title actually improved and I didn't get demoted, so really I came out of it OK except for the upcoming chaos.
It's been a rough couple of months so I'm looking forward to Christmas. On that note we put up our own Christmas tree for the first time today. It's a real tree and, though it is dropping needles like crazy, makes the house smell great.