Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I saw this on a club in Saskatoon: "The best music in Toontown."
I would like to go back to Saskatoon in the summer. It was like here, all dusty and gritty from winter still and of course not much green anywhere. The people are sure friendly, especially clerks in the stores. That's what it used to be like here before the boom.
We left Thursday night at 6 p.m. and got in to Toontown at 1 a.m. Geoff and I got up early on Friday and went downtown to the passport office. While we were waiting in line for the office to open, I glanced one more time at our applications and realized that we didn't have Grace's driver's licence with us. So Geoff took a cab back to the motel, got her licence and got back just as my number was being called. All was well and we should get the passports in three weeks or so.
The girls lost all their games but seemed to have fun.
We got new flooring installed last week. New carpet in the living room and lino in the kitchen and bathroom. It looks pretty good. Geoff isn't too fond of the carpet. Oh well, pretty soon he won't even see it any more.
Winter is back for a last kick at us. We got quite a bit of snow yesterday and today and it's cold again. My poor tulips. And there are daffodils that have buds, I hope this doesn't do anything to them.
Looking forward to seeing you on the weekend, Jude. Are you coming too Anne?


Blogger bethsivak said...

It sounds like the bus travellers had a good trip to Toontown, in spite of hockey losses - you are such a good sport Grace to have so much fun even losing. Anyway glad to hear everyone enjoyed the trip - too bad you missed seeing any stars, but they are just people after all. Sorry to hear that you Albertans are having more winter - let's hope its the last fling. I am happy to report that the forecast for Easter weekend here ranges from +19 to +21 - read it and weep! Am expecting Jim for a week or so starting on Easter weekend - he will love the change - says there's still 8 feet of snow in Ft St John. Haven't heard from Laura if the Longs will be here (or when). Think it depends on when Henry has time off from work. You all will have your usual good time in Rocky - Jude said she was going - anyone else? Lisa has to work for part of it - it's a bit up in the air how much at the moment. Have been fairly busy on the days when it's warm. Got some windows done, as well as the deck and porch - sure was a lot of dust this year. Also the yard work is progressing. Also finished getting my affairs in order - now I can go to NFL with a clear conscience, only 6 weeks now - am getting pretty excited. Am getting a little spring cleaning done too. Your new floors sound great, hope I get over to Alberta this year and see them - I'm thnking maybe in the fall.

Have a nice Easter everyone

Love - Mom/grandma

9:46 AM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

Theresa, could you post some pictures of your new floors?

I'd like to see what they look like.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

For the record, yes I am going home. Saturday! Looking forward to it... slightly sad that Steph had to tell me to "check my family's blog, they want to know if you are coming home."

9:17 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Come on, Anne, I called you.

9:28 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

yeah... I meant sad that she checks this more than I do!

10:46 AM  
Blogger GEOFF said...

Geoff won't notice the carpet because Anne will have newspaper spread all over it all weekend.

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe not as much as usual... we're splitting a subscription so Anne's already got most of this week's issues spread out on her own floor by now. -Steph

9:53 AM  

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