Monday, March 26, 2007


Friday morning I had a work meltdown, I have been putting in lots of hours and feeling as though, I never finished anything, and that I was not going to finish anything. I had a conference call at 6:30 (am) that seemed like the final straw. I hung up the phone, then got dressed and went into work. I got there and thought, what am I doing here!! I can’t stay, so I packed up again and came home, and had my cry. Then called my manager, blubbered on the phone to her and then I had a call back from the manager on the account, and we talked things through, and the upshot is that I have this week off, and potentially next week, if I don’t feel any better. I do have an appointment with my Dr., but not till the 12th, so I will talk things over with her too. I have been getting lots of sleep, over the past few days, and that has really been helping. And with the weather being good, have been out for some walks, and that helps too. One of things I am doing this week is to review my career, and what I want to do. I know that Production support is not for me, and people keep trying to put me into that role, so I need to be stronger when I say that I DON”T want to do it. I do feel as though I have the support from my managers, and that makes a big difference. I will keep you guys updated on progress and decisions made.


Blogger lisaandrichard said...

It sounds like you need a break Jude and good that you are taking it instead of trying to soldier on and then having a really huge meltdown. You work lots of really long hours, no wonder you're exhausted! I'm glad to hear that your managers support you, that would help a lot. I hope that you are feeling a bit better now and that you can come to a decision that you're happy with. Sometimes I feel better after a meltdown because then at least it's out there instaed of feeling it all bottled up.
There must be a better alternative to work!

5:25 PM  
Blogger bethsivak said...

I think Lisa said everything that I am thinking, Jude. Am so sorry that it got to the point where you wiped out, but really, between the long hours of work and the frequent travel, it's a wonder it didn't happen before. It's really good that your managers are being so supportive and understanding and hope you take all the time you need to get rested and to get stuff into perspective, a visit with your doctor should be helpful too. If it helps any, am thinking of you and sending all the positive thoughts I can your way.

With love from mom

8:54 AM  
Blogger Allison said...

Judith, GOOD JOB on telling them you can't do this any more! The problem with being very competent and strong is that people take it for granted, and will be more likely to assume that no matter how much they ask for, you can deliver (because you always have).

I'm glad your managers are so supportive -- and sleeping lots & going for walks is key to my general good feelings too.

I think that while one does need to speak up and say when you can't do things, it is important for the asker to say, "what else are you doing? is this too much?" So I don't think it's just that you need to be more "firm."

Let's just open a family video store: I'll do customer service, Judith can run the database, Mom can do the books, Theresa can publish our newsletter, and Laura can run our HR. And Jim will sell heavy equipment out the back and Lisa can provide first aid.

I say, take the second week too!

9:12 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

Your managers SHOULD be offering you as much time as you need! You do a great job and it shouldn't be to the detriment of your health/happiness.

If you want to go out for coffee or dinner during your week(s) off let me know! Would be nice to catch up.

3:38 PM  

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