Saturday, February 17, 2007

Little Old Ladies

I'm really enjoying my new job, but it is quite the eye opening experence. Before I started here I thought that the vast majority of little old ladies were kind and sweet. This may be true elsewhere, but not at our office. There is this group of ladies who comes in to fold the leaflet every week, and they were in this Friday. I can hear everything they say from my desk, and I heard one of them mention that one of our clergy is going to Mexico for a couple days.

#1 "I wouldn't go to Mexico these days!"
#2 "He'll come home in a wooden box!!"

These ladies are all nuts, and most of them aren't very nice. One takes great pleasure in pointing out all the mistakes I make in the leaflet every week starting it out with "not to critisize, but what about...."


Blogger Allison said...

Anytime someone tells me that they are going on a trip, I am now going to say, "You're going to come home in a wooden box!" Hilarious.

1:04 PM  
Blogger bethsivak said...

Will - Mean spirited young and middleaged ladies turn into nasty old ladies - those of us who were nice in our youth are nice old ladies! At least that is my theory, my kids might not agree.

11:35 AM  

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