Wednesday, November 01, 2006

This one's for the Mamacita

I heard from Laura that Mom was accusing me of never phoning OR posting -- so this post goes out to you, Mom.

I'm glad you went to the doctor when you felt unwell, and am NOT sorry you let us all know -- it is important we know this! But are you feeling wiped out and a bit shaky? It's all really unexpected.

Kay happened to call me last night & I let her know how you were, Mom. She soudned relieved that you could go home.

Laura and I had a wonderful dinner at Sorrentino's & a super visit. I ate tenderloin in puff pastry with a blueberry reduction sauce overtop, and coconut milk polenta. Slurp. I had gone home from work sick earlier that day but was very pleased I did not need to cancel work. She showed me photos from their land in Canuso -- gorgeous! And we talked about enviro-building (straw bale, solar panels, etc.) which they want to do but they are pretty expensive.

This weekend & Monday were mostly Latitude stuff for me -- I helped out with grantwriting and a bit of volunteer stuff and I am completely worn out. Not as much as Todd, I bet. Tonight I am going to watch Bride and Prejudice, and C.R.A.Z.Y. while lying in bed.

First snow is gorgeous! I love it. Even if it is part of the reason I am sick. Cats are angrily racing around the house because they can't go outside due to cold.

This is a boring post; but it will keep your blood pressure low.


Blogger Theresa said...

Hey, we saw C.R.A.Z.Y. It was one of the library movies last year. I felt proud when I read that it was a movie that won Junos but only showed in a few English Canadian theatres. Geoff liked it because of the subtitles - didn't have to strain to hear what was going on.
Lisa, thanks for calling us about Mom.

5:57 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Laura we never hear from you.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

I am all for subtitles when watching movies with dad. Otherwise, you end up explaining pertinent plot points during the slow bits.

8:18 PM  
Blogger GEOFF said...

So Annie--what else is there to do during the slow bits ?
At the risk of sounding like an old fart- I say to you "wait until you can't hear" (Or "your turn will come dearie")

Al- what is gorgeous snow ??

I think the first snow should be in March and gone a week later. Kind of like Kelownas winters, but with sunshine.

11:10 PM  
Blogger bethsivak said...

Al thanksfor the posting, now I know you're still around= did Laura ask you how to get on the family blog? She said on the phone that she was having trouble logging on and that was why she hadn't been posting. For sure I couldn't help her and she said she'd ask you. Sti;; waiting for the Catscan folks to call.No snow here yet but they are offering it up for evening-its cold enough tho'

8:14 AM  
Blogger bethsivak said...

They just called and have an appt for Mon 6th-so now I can leave the house without fear ofmissing the call

9:52 AM  

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