Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Family Ramblings

Hello all: I guess Lisa called everyone on Mon night and reported on my medical shennanigans - to recap, I have been feeling something in my chest, not pain, but a tightness around the ribes, shortness of breath and a fast heartbeat (all sporadic) so went for a checkup at noon on Mon. She told me to go to the hospital lab for some blood work and a ekg, so I trtted off and by the time I got home at 2:30 the office called and said to get to emergency - they had results of tests and something was positive for something. I checked and my BP was 201/93 - me who has never had high blood pressure. So I sat down for the wait - it was really busy in the ER wjich meant a long wait - Richard came down after school to wait with me - Lisa was at school followed by a meeting. After 5 hours I got into a cubicle and their doc said they suspected a blood clot - also my Bp was still around the same and he wanted a chest xray. By then BP had dropped a bit- nothing showed on the xray so there was no big clot but he ordered a catscan which I am still waiting for, gave me a shot of blood thinner and a BP pill - wich was down to 190/87 by then. So I came home, hungry as hadn't eaten since breakfast , slept well and went the drug store in the AM for meds and to check my BP which was normal-130/83 and 118/80 within a 1/2 hr. now i'm waiting for the catscan lab to call with an appt and taking it very easy. I am really sorry that I worried everyone, but honestly have been taking care of myself and can't imagine what happened to the BP. I'll see me own gp next week - I know she felt it was a heart episode of some sort. In the meantime am taking it very easy , I was feeling kind of tired before and the Beta blocker has increased that, took out the garbage and recycling this AM which wore me to a frazzle! Will keep you posted and feel there is no need to worry, I am being careful and the Wensinks have an eagle eye on me.
Love to allFamily Ramblings


Blogger Anne said...

I am so glad you're okay!! I am starting to think that everyone goes into a decline after travelling with me. Take care of yourself, please!

8:19 PM  
Blogger bethsivak said...

Thanks Anne- I really don't think you are a jinx and will indeed look after myself and Lisa and Richard watch me like a hawk

9:57 AM  

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