Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lots of Company

for me in the last week. Theresa and Geoff came last Thursday, and stayed until Sunday, Grace came over Sunday night for supper and to watch the Race with me, then Wednesday Henry came for a visit. Well actually he is still here but I don't expect to see him much this weekend as his girlfriend is in town from Lethbridge and they are hanging out at his girlfriend's aunt's (Dawn Kunyk) for Thanksgiving. Wednesday night Grace came over and the three of us went out for dinner. Sam had a midterm, and he was getting ready for some co-op interviews, so he could not make it, and Allison had a meeting scheduled that night, so could not either.

It has nice having Henry stay, it feels as though it has been a very long time since I have seen him, and it is good to get to know him again.

As Theresa said I worked last weekend, and I am happy to say we went live with the new verison of the software on Monday. Of course it was a week filled with all kinds of issues, trying to get things stable, and people used to the new way of doing some things, but all in all things were good. I only have three more weeks left at the Terrace building, then I move up the hill to the IBM office for 6 months. Some people have already left the project, so I moved to a spacious new desk. My team lead Jeanne, went back to Kansas, and I moved to her spot, as I am the now team lead for Benefits for warranty. Don't get too excited for me though, I am also the Benefits team, since everyone else went back to their Ministry or IBM. Our Team Meetings are very quick, I get consensus every time, and no one talks back to me.

Winter has started, we got snow last week, and it feels quite cold, at least in comparison to the week before. usually when we get snow this early it does not stay, but I am not too sure if that will be the case this year.

Only four more weeks until we leave for Scotland, I can hardly wait.

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Blogger Theresa said...

A promotion is a promotion. We are very proud of you, team leader.

7:10 PM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

Hurrah! I'm sure the benefits department is the most smoothly run.

9:20 AM  
Blogger Laura Long said...

Judith, thanks for having Henry, he said he really enjoyed visiting with you. It was very cold at the cabin, (no heat). First thing next year a wood stove.

4:16 PM  

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