Tuesday, October 06, 2009

less time, less money

It is official in November I will be working less hours. 4x8 as opposed to the 5x 9 or 10. It is a cut in pay but I am fine with it because it means I get every Friday off. I will have to watch my time very carefully so I am not stay 40 but only getting paid for 32, however lots of people are looking out for me and warned me of the potential. Not sure if they are concerned or just want to get me out of their hair. Henry went to his interview for the forces today and now he just waits and sees. Welcome to adult hood. I had a great visit with Judith it amazes me how we can not see someone for a while then it is like we talk every day.

Looking forward to November.



Blogger Theresa said...

Good for you. A long weekend every weekend, and once in a while an extra long weekend. Was the change your idea or theirs?

8:16 PM  
Blogger Allison said...

I am so glad for you! 4-day workweek is the way to go!

9:08 AM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

Yes, fulltime work is highly overrated. Though I am doing more than fulltime this year for a few months anyway.
Nurse, heal thyself.

9:31 AM  
Blogger Laura Long said...

I was sor tof both, we had to reduce by a person in Canada so I said I would be willing to go to less time if that would work. So they said yes. Happy

6:09 PM  

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