Monday, April 13, 2009

How I spent my Easter vacation

Tim made us an excellent Easter dinner and we realized it was a milestone - the first time an offspring has cooked us a holiday meal at their place. We had ham, potatoes, veggies, salad and strawberry shortcake. He had the table all set (c/w candle) but we ended up eating in the living room so we could watch the end of curling. Tim has a beer fridge in the living room so that was convenient for him and Geoff.
We had a close encounter with a car salesman on Saturday in Edmonton, but the guy blew his chance to sell us something. We are usually suckers for salesmen, but he rubbed Geoff the wrong way and that was the end of that.
We went for a walk on Saturday night and saw the Easter bunny hopping across the park opposite Jude's. Went to the cathedral for church on Sunday, there were many very nice hats there. As for the service, I prefer to participate more. The minister talks, the choir sings, there just wasn't much for us to do. Grace came to church and we went for brunch after, but we didn't see or hear from Sam all weekend.
Thanks for the run of your place, Jude. It was a really relaxing weekend, as Al said, like staying in a hotel but better because there's more room and it's more comfortable. Plus the price was right.


Blogger Judith said...

Glad everything worked out on the weekend. Even though I was not home the bunny struck here and left some beautiful roses, what a lovely treat to come home to.

5:09 PM  

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