Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Last week Geoff went to Calgary and picked up Barb so she could visit for a few days. It was a good visit; I think she saw everyone she wanted to. On Saturday her nephew from Caroline came over for lunch, then Heather and her (very sweet) granddaughter came in the afternoon. Betty Anne and Greg were here for a bit too. It was great to see Barb. Usually she has to rush off but this time we had time for a proper visit. Geoff took her to Wetaskiwin on Monday for the next leg of her visiting.
It's still not very nice out. What happened to the concept of spring? It will warm up a bit, just enough to melt water on the sidewalks and trails, then it gets cold again and makes patches of ice everywhere.
We are still mostly talking about renovating, but Geoff has started doing some things downstairs. I realized the other day that we really haven't done much maintenance here since we added on 20 years ago, so some things are overdue. I hope we don't improve it so much we don't want to move. I want a smaller house!


Blogger Laura Long said...

I can't beleive you did your renovations 20 years ago. How time flies.

4:00 PM  
Blogger bethsivak said...

I'm with Laura - it does not seem possible that 20 yrs have passed.
If Geoff has started some renoing in the basement, does that mean he's retired?
That is a really big house for 2 - a lot of housework on non used space. Our big house on High Rd was suited after we sold it. Probably what will happen to yours.
I think its been a great house for raising your family, but the time does come for a change

11:10 AM  
Blogger Judith said...

Hey Laura just imagine how long ago it was that we painted the fence.

3:43 PM  
Blogger Laura Long said...

That seems like yesterday that we painted the fence but if the reno's were 20 years that must be 30..... That can't be, I think Theresa and Geoff used child labour Judith..

12:42 PM  

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