Monday, March 16, 2009


I have GRAPES in my backyard! Wow! This is very exciting. I had some friends over for Pi Day on Saturday (March 14 = 3/14 = Pi), and they were out exploring my huge yard. One of them is doing his masters on asparagus (yes, really) and wanted to have a garden, but doesn't have a yard of his own. So we struck a deal whereby we'll start a garden together in my yard, with him supplying the expertise and motivation (when I take these projects on they never quite happen) and I will pull some weeds and pay for half of the seeds and whatnot. I emailed my landlady to make sure it's okay, and not only did she say yes and tell me about my little vineyard back there, she said she'll mow the lawn herself! HOORAH.

It's been so gorgeous and sunny lately, so this whole gardening idea seems especially appealing.

By the way, this year the pies I made were Rich Mushroom Pie and fake Key Lime Pie (fake because apparently Key Limes are a special variety - I just had plain old Mexican limes from the grocery store). They both turned out really good and I got a compliment on the mushroom one from a guy who owns a pretty well-regarded restaurant in town. I screwed up the crust on the lime one a bit, but no one seemed to notice...

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Blogger Allison said...

Do you make a crust as good as Joe Sivak did?

11:43 AM  
Blogger bethsivak said...

For sure, its better than beth sivaks! I envy you getting into the garden already - I think where you're living is the Garden of Eden of Ont.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

Wow, never thought I'd live in the Garden of Eden...

1:07 PM  

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