Monday, March 16, 2009

Beyond tired of Winter

Ok, it was -40 last week. Yesterday it snowed all day and was -20. Today more snow and -15 is it March or November. Will this cursed winter ever end. Save me from the cold and snow. But no more snow tonight and cold again tomorrow. The weathernetwork says warmer by the weekend but cannot be relied on. Enough whining, I know it will end but I am very tired of grey and snow. I feel better now that I have ranted (I feel very Rick Mercer) without the political commentary.


Blogger Theresa said...

I noticed something interesting a couple of years ago when I was complaining about the long winter. I am thinking Mom was around our ages (maybe a bit younger) when they moved to Kelowna and she said she just wanted to get away from the long winters. I remember thinking "Oh come on, it's not that bad." However, I now repent. It is that bad. Forgive me mother.

8:20 AM  
Blogger bethsivak said...

You are forgiven - now that you know I was right - maybe it takes 50 or so yrs.
While there's quite a bit of snow still around, I had a pair of robins here this week, 2 croci and 2 clumps of snow drops in bloom - also took down my Xmas lights, so again I'm thinking spring is here (3rd time this year!

9:14 AM  

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