Thursday, October 09, 2008


There isn't actually a lot to report here. I have been feeling somewhat busy, though I think that is just because I have been tired lately. Sleeping is never a problem for me.
Richard is making chili right now. He has been making food and freezing it for lunches for the last couple weeks. He has also bought a lot of gladware.
My leg/back is quite a bit better from physio, though I still find that it is annoyingly weak. Noticeable with stairs and stuff. I still don't know if WCB will cover it or not. I didn't fill out forms very promptly, which does not help. I think I should find out this week or next. It's just for the physio really, which I can claim on my extended medical if WCB doesn't cough up. Though WCB would cover more I think.
Our trip to GP was good, though it is a long ways away. The drive was beautiful, the whole way is quite scenic. Sandi and Jim came to visit. the Long's house looks quite nice. We went past our old houses, went to the Wapiti River Park-picked rocks there, and went to Saskatoon Lake too. Mom and I went to visit Rose and Ed Pardell. Ed is still working...82 years old I think. It was good to see Laura, Wilf and Henry and Jim and Sandi too.
I just read a good book about a serial killer, 'Heartsick'.
Joshua, Bill's (Richard's brother) son is home from his heart surgery. His aorta was narrowed, so they had to operate as his blood pressure was super high-I think 200/120 at times. It's a big surgery, similar to Dad's. I'm guessing that they resectioned the aorta. Anyway, he is recovering well.
I'm looking forward to seeing Theresa, Geoff, and Will next week. I'll be off work the whole time they are here, I believe. I hope weather is nice, I'd like to take them on the Greenway walk, the Rutland area. We haven't turned on the heat yet, but it is getting cooler out. Richard will resist it as he is reading a book on greener living. he thinks we should hang out our laundry all winter. Which we probably should, but I think the clothes would take about a week to dry.
I will be preceptoring a nurse from the UK for some shifts. She sounded nice on the phone. I am feeling somewhat frustrated with work, not the work itself but some attitudes there. Sigh, when will psychiatric nursing enter the 21st century? Anyway, I discussed things with the educator and manager (who are both excellent), so hope that things will change. I'm sitting on the nursing practice committee-and I did some research on substance use by in-patients as it is an issue. It is early days yet, but I am hopeful that perhaps it might develop into a hospital-wide arm reduction approach. I am probably being too optimistic about things as it is such a huge bureaucracy.
I'm also representing our residents association with the supportive housing place that just opened downtown-for people with mental health and addictions to get people off the street. I'm also on the board of Lifestyle Equity. So perhaps I am justified in feeling busy.
Or else I am lazy. Because when I have more things going on outside of home, I do proportionately less work in home. As evidenced by the sorry state of our yard.

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Blogger lisaandrichard said...

Oh yeah, apparently my leg wa s sore, not from sciatica, or arther nerve was irritated from my sacro-iliac joint being out of wack. So the physio keeps popping it back into postion, exercises etc. and is now doing traction. Not that anyone is necessarily interested in the minutia of my leg issue.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Just the thought of all those meetings makes me tired. No wonder you are.
I remember when we were kids (long before you arrived) and mom didn't have a dryer and hung the laundry out all winter. She would bring the sheets in like they were sheets of plywood. But they did dry. And that was where it actually gets cold in the winter.

5:31 AM  
Blogger Sam F said...

If you have the space and inclination, you can always hang up your laundry or spread it out to facilitate drying indoors. I do that on a limited scale; I always hang up my shirts. Doesn't take too long to dry.

6:16 AM  
Blogger Theresa said...

You probably want to get the surgeons involved in the arm reduction process. They would have the skill set.

4:14 PM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

I read that and thought arm reduction what is she talkign about? Then I saw the typo...
Theresa, you are too clever for your own good.

7:30 PM  

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