Thursday, October 09, 2008

London Town

Jude and I have been having a good time in London. My thesis is in (YAY) but I still have a scholarship application due next week, so that has been hanging over my head. However, it looks like I will have it in on time, so can RELAX and enjoy the big city! Yesterday we went to the National Portrait Gallery - Judith saw a lot more stuff than me. Guess I was just being slow! Then we headed over to Victoria to see a matinee of Wicked. We were one row from the front and you could see every detail! The costumes were just incredible. And the flying monkeys freaked me out.

I am so proud of us - we have navigated the transit perfectly and not got lost whatsoever. We have been walking quite a bit too, rather than blindly taking the Tube everywhere. We found a bookshop that only stocks mysteries called Murder One, which was quite cool, and replenished our book supplies. Today I had to work on my scholarship this morning and am meeting my friend Jason this afternoon, but Jude and I will meet up for tea (free in the Executive Lounge of the hotel... and man am I ever enjoying my access to the Executive Lounge!) and will go find a nice pub or something tonight. Been really nice having some time to spend with Judith - am very glad I skipped out on work for a couple of days!!

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Blogger Judith said...

It was great to see Anne again. she kept us on the correct trains and going in the right directions. Left on my own, I took an unintended tour of parts of the city of Westminister. But found a tube stop and got back on track. I also met Anne's new beau on Friday morning, so that was nice too.

8:18 AM  

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