Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Danger Mac

I'm all moved in to res. I am on the floor called Danger Mac. Our FC has a lot of spirit and really loves Lister. It's kind of funny.

I just finished orientation today. Yesterday is was really boring and awkward, since I didn't know anyone, but today was fun. I went to a good conference on money management, and they gave out a budget type thing. So I will have to fill that in, but I'm pretty sure I'll be fine in that department.

I think it is really weird how much spirit all the faculties have. Like, each one has its own cheers and stuff. As if they were a sports team. Some of them are really funny. And the engineers are crazy. But it was fun to be there and listen to it all. And we all got foamy fingers for the 100th anniversary of the U of A.

I went to the club fair and signed up on the interest list for the chemistry club. I figured it wouldn't be a bad idea since they could help me with my homework. And I am thinking quite seriously about joining the fencing club. Anne has led me to believe it is quite fun. I didn't even know they had it here. And I am planning to join the intramural hockey team. If Anne could play on it, I'm sure I can.

My first day of classes is tomorrow. I am actually not that nervous. Well, I am, but not as much as I thought I would be. I think I am ready. Except I don't know exactly where my classes are. I know where each building is, but not the room. And my first class is in the biological sciences building, which is apparently very hard to navigate in. But that is my first class, so I will be able to go extra early to find it.

Anyway, I feel I need a good night's sleep, so I will sign off. There was a lot of walking today and I am tired. Not to mention cheering. Oh, and Mom, I think you will miss me a lot more when you discover that eating all that gross food is poisonous.


Blogger Anne said...

Excellent, I always wanted my own mini-me! Make sure you join UA-WISE and get a housemate who shakes her finger at you a lot, and you will be all set.

3:53 AM  
Blogger Theresa said...

What do you do at chemistry club meetings?

10:35 AM  
Blogger Grace said...

I haven't been to a meeting, but they have events like movie nights and the periodic table of cookies.

1:39 PM  
Blogger Allison said...

Anything that uses the periodic table is fantastic.

Such as:

Also, I wouldn't mind getting this: http://www.thinkgeek.com/homeoffice/gear/8a2f/?cpg=wnrss&cpg=cj. .

3:30 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

You can wear your periodic tables T-shirt.

9:55 AM  

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