Monday, October 15, 2007

What's new?

Not very much. I have been working a lot it seems. Good thing I like it. But i have quite a bit of time off at the end of the month. So, I am going to Edmonton, leaving Oct. 31st, returning on Nov 5th. I thought I should see the new cat.
Jim will be here today. I'm not sure for how long, I think he only has a week off. I'm working Wed-Fri, so hope he will be here for some of the weekend, as when I'm working, all I do is work and come home and sleep. I don't know how those executives work 12 hours a day and then go out and socialize at black tie events. They must be using drugs to keep themselves going.
Let's see, what else is new? Richard is writing exams this week = stressing out.
Diane was here for a few days. we went to a local winery for supper, did a few things around here. I seemed to need a lot of naps as I had just finished working a lot, and was going to be working a lot again. She must have thought I was sickly. Or avoiding her. I just need 9 hours of sleep to be human.
I did not get picked for jury duty. The case was actually a murder trial. The victim was the father of someone I used to work with. I didn't get called up, just sat in court for the morning, but don't think they would have picked me anyway. Though i wasn't really friends with the woman, more acquaintances. As it turns out, the guy on trial changed his plea to guilty on the 1st day of trial.
I have procrastinated long enough, the house is still dirty and yardwork still needs to be done, so I guess i should get to it, seeing as the cats are not doing their fair share of the work. I am going to plant the lily bulbs Mom and Richard ordered! That will be my reward for cleaning the house. It looks like a nice sunny day.


Blogger bethsivak said...

I just got word that Thelma is very, very ill and does not have much longer to live. Don't know how long she's been in hospital, but the kids are all there and someone is with her round the clock.

2:04 PM  

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