Thursday, October 11, 2007

Anne's Address

Since Grandma asked so nicely (and nothing at all to do with my birthday coming up, of course!) my mailing address is

67 Mount Street
Bangor, Gwynedd
LL57 1BQ

However, I may or may not move on since I don't really like moving there that much... though if I do, I imagine I can probably forward my mail at the Post Office, so use that address till further notice, I guess. The shared house is not terrible, but my housemate mostly avoids me so it's not super friendly. Also it smells VERY STRONGLY of damp when you walk in the door, which is unpleasant. A girl in my lab is moving and I'm going to look at her place today, but it's a bedsit which doesn't sound ideal for how much it costs. We shall see.

Other than that things are good. Extremely busy with school stuff as we've launched right into having things due (and BIG projects too!) The only nice thing is there is hardly any lectures, so I can organize my time myself. That said, there's a lot of lab stuff going on that I have to take part in - which is great, most masters' students here aren't usually included quite so much - but sucks up a lot of time.

Went back to fencing this week. It's still fun. I will probably join for sure. What the heck. I'm not looking to compete, just to have some fun and learn something new. And it sure wouldn't hurt to get some exercise. Also learning "scrambling" tomorrow, which is climbing things without ropes but where you have to use your hands to climb up. Sounds dangerous but fun.


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