Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pierre South Dakota

Who knew that Pierre was the captial of SD?
We have been driving all day and are taking a bit of a break before going out for supper with
Dick and Jo. We had a good visit with them in Brandon. Yesterday we drove around lots (Dick likes driving), went to an interesting old homestead, the Criddle Farm. Dick and Jo are doing well, we met some of Jo's relatives. Margaret wasn't home, she went on a road trip to Ontario.
North Dakota and South Dakota look just like southern Alberta, except where we see yellow canola fields, they have yellow sunflower fields. And you can't see the mountains in the distance.
Off to Mt Rushmore tomorrow and whatever else there is around here, which seems to be quite a bit.
All is good. We are just hoping the weather doesn't turn bad, there are some threatening clouds out there.


Blogger lisaandrichard said...

I had no idea that Pierre was the capital. Post a picture of Mt. Rushmore I am curious, who all is on it?

10:21 AM  

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