Friday, April 27, 2007

On my way... sort of

I applied for the University of Alberta last week - my first choice was Arts. I also applied for residence at Lister Hall, which is where most first-year students end up. However, all the single rooms were taken, so if I get accepted (both the university itself and residence services seem to have rigorous and bureacratic application procedures) I will be in a double room with a stranger. Hmm. But as I'm fond of saying, it all comes out in the wash. The upside here is that I stand to save a fair chunk of change.
I also applied for the U of Calgary, but the application for residence there is May 1, so I decided to stop waffling and finally just picked the U of A. No good reason, really. So I better get accepted or I'm in the soup.
Other than this, not much is new. I've been working a lot (including a memorable 14-day stretch). Lots of old high-school friends have finished uni for the year, so it's been good to see them, once we get past the initial incredulous musings about my present employment situation.
I also got my wisdom teeth out last month. It wasn't too bad, the dentist did it right in Rocky. He just applied local freezing. I forwent watching TV in favour of paying attention to what the man was doing in my mouth. My favourite part was went he said, "Now you are going to hear a sharp crack" as he pried my lower left tooth from the bone. But aside from some swelling (that went on for a week) and quite a bit of pain in the ensuing days as the blood clot formed in the tooth socket, it was minor. Doctor said I made a textbook recovery.


Blogger Anne said...

Hi Sam, I love your writing style. More people ought to use the term "forwent".

So why Arts? Thought you were looking at business...

Also, the reason that you picked the U of A is that it's the BEST and also the alma mater of your beloved sister. Right?

12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, Business requires a pre-professional year in arts or science when you take totally unrelated and soul-eating courses like calculus to prove your mettle.

5:22 PM  
Blogger Will said...

You're missing out Sammy- you could have gone to a beautiful school minutes from the ocean! Still, if you're not at UVic, it may as well be U of A. Congratualtions, by the way. Hope res works out for you.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Judith said...

That is great news Sam, it will be nice to have another Ferrey in town, you will just be getting here when your sister is leaving. Remember if you get tired of sharing a room, you can always spend the weekend at my place, and have your own room for a couple of days.

2:19 PM  

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