Thursday, September 05, 2013

Summer . . . there it was, gone

September already and we are now having our summer weather. It has been almost a week since we last had rain and it has been very warm. But it gets dark out early, so it feels strange.

Grace and Dallyn were around for the long weekend. They had planned to go camping but ended up staying at the cabin - a lot less getting ready involved. However, when they got out there on Saturday, they found a mess - the bathroom tank was full and had backed up, there were dirty dishes and towels and garbage in the cabin. Some friends of Kim's had been there sometime in the summer and left all that for us. Grace and Dallyn are troopers, though, and cleaned up the bathroom. Geoff tried to find someone to pump out the tank but the lagoons are closed on the weekends so no luck. He was so angry. He said, "That's it, we are selling the place. We don't use it, all we do is pay all the expenses, and this mess is the last straw."

But we went out on Sunday for supper and a campfire, and so did Tim and Court and the boys, and it was so much fun, and felt so great to be out there, that he came around by Sunday night. We have been looking at cabin plans and getting some input. It's going to have to happen next spring. We will build as much as we can afford, hopefully to lockup, then finish the inside as funds and time become available.

So Sunday was Grady's first time at the lake, and Kane's first campfire. That place is made for kids.

Grady is growing fast. And he smiles and coos. Today I was over there after work and Tim handed him over to me and he gave me a big smile. I held him for a while out on the deck - Kane came over and said, "Put Grady down, jump." Meaning he wanted me to jump on the trampoline with him. I put him off for a while, but eventually went with him. Not that Baba actually jumps, it's sort of standing there and swaying. I love those little boys.

Geoff has been busy pressure washing and staining the deck, hoping to get it done before our trip. We leave for San Francisco on Wednesday, going for a week. Usually I regret booking holidays on the days leading up to our departure, but I am looking forward to it so I hope that doesn't mean we will have a bad time.

We had a good visit with Doot. Kane sure loves her. When Grace was here he called her Doot a few times. I guess he gets those aunties mixed up.


Blogger lisaandrichard said...

I would have been mad too! Did he follow up with a phone call, explaining that those friends could come not use it again? Hmpphh.
What are you doing with the cabin? I am excited to hear! When you rebuild, will it just be yours then, or is it still shared?

6:29 AM  
Blogger Laura Long said...

I love staying out at that cabin, it is so enjoyable.

7:19 AM  
Blogger Allison said...

It is a great spot. There is something about more kids to hang out there that will spur you to use it more? Maybe now you say no to friends of family using it until you know them?

9:00 AM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Yes, we will certainly be saying that. Courtney was as mad about it as Geoff; she says we should not let anyone have a key to keep. They should have to give the key back to us when they use the cabin along with a checked- off list of cleaning, etc.

11:31 AM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

I agree with Courtney-those who do not use responsibly do not get the priviledge

5:31 PM  
Blogger Judith said...

Esp when you have a new building. Being out at the lake is so peaceful sitting on the deck watching the sunset. I like the checklist idea, it is a small thing to ask for when there is no cost to staying there.

7:56 AM  

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