Monday, July 01, 2013

Happy Canada Day

Since I am Canadian, I will talk about the weather. It will be hot-high of 36. Air conditioning, we appreciate you.
Richard and I are going to the events downtown, looking for spots with shade, no doubt.

Our tenant downstairs moved out. He did not clean very well and got all hostile when we told him that he had to do a few things, even though they were far from all the things that needed to be cleaned and that Richard is now doing. I said to Richard later, 'I felt like telling him, your anger won't work to get you out of doing this, I've seen much worse, I work in mental health, I have learned that I do not need to react to anger' I think he must have reflected, as when we came back he was much calmer. Really, to tell us that it wasn't clean when he moved in? Nice try.

Cut grass here and at Mom's last night-it was still 30 degrees at 9 pm. We have had lots of rain, and with warm weather, grass grows. And weeds.

I found out that an article I submitted for publication will be published! It's for Journal of Ethics in Mental Health, and is from an essay I did on ethically analyzing a treatment called Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for people with Borderline Personality Disorder. I was pretty excited! I had to do some revisions, which I guess is is pretty standard. It was hard to do the revisions-after looking at something so much, to try and rewrite a section-however, it was only the intro that I needed to redo, so we'll see how it turned out. I should send to Theresa for editing! Actually, Allison does all my editing-I should put her as co-author, not the prof.

All our flowers are blooming nicely-this warm and enough-rain weather has made them happy.  Me too!


Blogger Theresa said...

For once I can say "It's hot here too." Not as hot as you but hot. I like it. And ours won't last.

7:03 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

And congratulations re the publication. I gather from Anne that this is a great thing to have happen.

10:14 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

Wow, congratulations! Very exciting; now you can look yourself up on Google Scholar.

6:57 PM  

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