Wednesday, January 06, 2010

First day of clinical!!.. Sort of

I survived my first encounter with my clinical placement! Although it was just orientation, which only took about an hour and a half or so. We got a tour of the floor we'll be working on, and the tutor talked about the expectations and stuff. I'm beginning to think I may actually survive this, so that's good. The people in my group seem really nice, although some are really talkative. There is one girl who lives in Lister, so we can go there together, which is nice. And when I got off the bus this morning I found out most of my group and my tutor were all on the same bus as me, so that was kind of funny.

My tutor seems really nice. She is a little Chinese woman who is really cheerful and clearly loves what she does, so that's nice. Someone told me that she doesn't like white people and gives them a hard time, but I can't really see her doing that.

Tomorrow I start working for real. We start off by buddying up with a NA who shows us the ropes I guess. I'll be doing that tomorrow and Friday, and then next week we each get assigned to a resident that we will be taking care of for the next 6 weeks. I'm still really nervous, but I feel a lot better about it after today.

Besides that nursing class, I have only had my interdisciplinary class, which I really don't like, and neither does anyone I talked to about it. It is a team building class, which means there is a lot of group work. It doesn't help that it's a night class too. My group seems nice, and there are three nursing students in it. That seems weird, since we are supposed to mainly be working on building teams with different disciplines, but whatever. There is also one pharmacist, one occupational therapist, one dental hygienist, and one med student.

So that's all that's new with me. I kind of wish it was still Christmas vacation, but being back isn't all that bad. And Ivanhoe, which is the Mackenzie Hall tower competition, starts next week, so I'm excited for that.


Blogger Theresa said...

As I climbed into bed last night I remembered that I was going to phone you to see how the day went. Now I know.

11:08 AM  
Blogger Allison said...

You should wear your sombrero and say, "I'm a Mexican, and I don't like white people!" to that person.

4:21 PM  

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