Tuesday, December 15, 2009


They should be holding the climate change conference in Alberta instead of Copenhagen. It would be difficult to protest about global warming when it is -40 out. It is funny how quickly you get used to the biting cold. Of course I don't have to be out in it much.
We had a good weekend in Calgary. It was BP's Christmas party - they send everyone to the Stage West dinner theatre, pay for a hotel and breakfast the next day. It was very nice, the dinner theatre was "British Invasion," and a really great buffet. Again we got lots of shopping done among the crowds.
Tim's birthday yesterday but we are having his dinner tomorrow because Will and Sam will be home.
Christmas edition at work goes out today. It doubles the usual size of the paper so labelling for the post office will be more work than usual.
Still two more parties to go to before Christmas. And I feel ready for everything. Wonderful. Looking forward to the kids and Jude being here.


Blogger Judith said...

and I cannot wait for christmas in Rocky.

11:00 AM  

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