Saturday, January 24, 2009

Leaving. This House.

Rest up so you can go back to work and retire Geoff.
Then you can come here and help us with a few electrical projects we have. Nothing major, just some reversed plugs and a ceiling fan whose lights flicker off.
2 days until we move!! Really nothing much left to pack-a couple plates and coffee maker, that kind of thing. Now, I am no longer anxious and irritable-just excited. Talk to me on moving day and am pretty sure that I will be irritable though.
No renters for this place yet. I blame all the condos that are for rent right now. It is kind of annoying me I would like to get it over with and rented, but this is not a major stressor.
I have a cold and so have called in sick the last 2 days. I am considering calling in for tomorrow as I sound terrible and am still coughing which does not sound good when you are a nurse trying to promote health. Though I hardly ever call in sick and thus do not feel really guilty, there is always a small part of me saying, 'you are costing our healthcare system money that should be going to patient care'. PLus the attitude of entitlement some nurses have disturbs me and I don't want to be like that.
Here is the link to the book I made for Mom, if you should like to see it. There are a couple typos, which I plan to fix for the next edition.
I would really like to do some stuff here today, like clean a couple windows and go to the dump. This is probably not advisable when sick, but being home sick for 2 days is boring.
We went to see Defiance-alright, Curious Case of Benjamin Button-pretty good, and watched The Visitor on DVD-which was good.
I have not seen the sun since Mexico, Okanagan winters can be difficult.

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Blogger Theresa said...

Wonderful book. After reading the dust jacket reviews we are tempted to buy one.

1:33 PM  
Blogger Judith said...

Lisa, that is fabulous, I can't wait to see the whole book.

7:55 PM  

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