Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Social Scene

Yes, it's true I met them in the airport and said 'hi, I really liked your music this weekend, and did you know that my sister Allison will be marrying Brendan Canning in September?' 'Thanks a lot' they said, 'he'll wear the pink tanktop'
I was very excited.
Then went and slept in airport lounge until my flight was going to leave. Though I did realize that I lost my boarding pass, but went to bathroom and retrieved it in stall right by toilet. Yuck.
I bought a handbag online! Like Allison's but in Firebrick Red, with a Willow design.
Folkfest was a lot of fun as usual. Saw Sue and Mike 2X in beer garden and had a good if slightly alcoholic visit!
It is always nice to see everyone there, though some lame ducks didn't come. We missed them in the beer tent.
I have to work tonight, then to Montana tomorrow after I sleep some in the morning to visit Kris, Rhonda and families.
Alex the driver is very nice, I was happy to meet him.
Jude, you should have struck up a conversation with the band! Though to be honest, I would suppose that they would prefer to be travelling around people who don't stare at them and then make weird conversation.

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Blogger Allison said...

Really? You met them? That is pretty cool. I'm glad they were amenable to me marrying Pink Tank Top.

That's a good handbag. I'm pleased you a spending fool.

2:30 PM  

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