Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Morning at Home

I am posting this from my deck, the sun is out, not too hot yet, I am listening to Tom Waits, as I wait for the Ferrey's to get up. Not that I am trying to compete with you Lisa, and how much you work, but flew to Toronto on Sunday, worked all week, flew home Friday, got home around 7:30 pm, and leaving again at 2 pm to go back. Less than 4 twelve hour shifts (back to back) at home, work all week again get home next Friday at about 10.

The flowers on my deck look amazing, Thank you Allison for the good care you took of them, I was pretty sure I would get home and they would be dead, after more than two weeks of no care, since my designated gardener was also away. What a nice surprise.

All of the Ferrey's (that are in the country), are at my place right now, it was Jesse's wedding this weekend. My living room looks like a hostel, and I feel as though I am back on the boat, trying not to make too much noise, so I don't wake up the sleeping beauties. Most of the company arrived on Friday night, so we walked across the bridge to the High Level Diner, had supper and came back home. Saturday we got up and had breakfast, then everyone left to get ready for the wedding, and I went downtown to shop a bit. As I was leaving the restaurant I ran into Rem, doing his weekly fruit and veg shopping at the Farmers Market. He said that this year he and Stef were not going to lay a tarp, but visit with others on the hill, so I said they should make sure to come and sit with us for awhile. I am always surprised when I run into someone I know, randomly like that, not sure why, but I feel good when I do.

Mom and I got the cd of the history that Hugh Robins put together, it is very interesting, some great old pictures, and now I am starting to remember who belongs to who (e.g. Hugh is Frank's son). If anyone wants to download it, I will gladly share the cd with you.

Looking forward to seeing Laura and Lisa in a couple of weeks, also looking forward to working from home in another week, then I can really enjoy my flowers

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