Monday, February 22, 2016


So, I developed a cold starting yesterday while travelling home. I feel badly for the woman sitting beside me on the plane as I had no Kleenex.
I had taken today as vacation day, and think I may call in tomorrow am if still sneezing etc. But have a couple meetings I really need to go to in the afternoon. Yick.
Rest of vacation was nice, more of the same. I don't think we did anything but relax! Walked to main part of town a couple days and looked around. There are a lot of stores there with lots of things. And many North Americans.
Flight home other than snivelling was fine, Puerto Vallarta airport has lots of Sun burned people and shrieking kids. And a great pizza place! No Mexican food though? I thought was OD not to have one.
Nice to see Richard, Mom, and sebastian again!
Also good to see crocuses blooming underneath our horse chestnut tree on return, makes me think early spring is here!


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