Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas in Victoria

Well, it's not traditional, but Christmas is going ok here in Victoria! We're through one of the Christmas services - the 4:00 children's service- and have two more tonight ( 7 and 10) and one tomorrow morning (10:30). The service tonight was wonderful - over a hundred people there, most of them kids. It's a pretty informal service, and was a lot of fun! I'm leading the service at 7, and preaching at 10.

My friends Patrick and Mallory are here. I know them from school - Patrick is studying to be a priest. They are from Ottawa, so are sort of stuck for Christmas. We decided that since we were all stuck out here, we may as well be stuck together! They have a 2 year old daughter, Esther, who is a lot of fun. She's pretty easy going, and very chatty. We took her to the park yesterday, and she ran around saying "hi" to all the dogs. Tonight we set out milk and cookies for Santa, but he's going to have to move quickly if he wants a shot at the cookies! Since the service tomorrow is not till 10:30, we're going to get up at 7 and open gifts. Tonight after the 10, we'll have appies. Aside from playing with Esther, all we've been doing is eating - I didn't do much baking, but my parishioners stepped bravely into the breach and have sent table loads of cookies. Tim and I made nuts and bolts when he was here, and they were all gone by today, we made a second roaster full. I've also got big plans for some chili cheese dip.

It's strange being here - no snow, no cold. It doesn't quite feel like Christmas, more like another Sunday with a few extra services. I wish I was home, but having Patrick, Mallory and Esther here is the next best thing.

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Blogger Theresa said...

Just got back from church. There were a lot of people there. Jude and Tim are making us Christmas Mules. It is quiet here, we were talking at supper about our noisy Christmas last year. Not that it's bad, just different.

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Betty Anne said...

The weather isn't typical Christmas here either Will! I think it was +5 today and we only have a few bits of snow in the shadows. Not exactly a brown Christmas but not a white one either! Merry Christmas!

9:46 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

We love Esther.

5:01 PM  

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