Tuesday, November 03, 2009

North End Action

Seems like Lisa and I somehow miss all the "action", (thankfully), that goes on at our old neighbourhood.

10 years ago we slept through the house 2 doors down burning down.

Last year we missed it (slept through) when a car went through the T intersection on our corner and went through the neighbours hedge, over a stump, through more junipers and then into their basement window with enough force to crack the cement stairs leading to her front door.

Then this year after we've moved...

Apparently on Halloween the downstairs tennant (on Jones) went out to get some beer and on his way home (on the street right outside the house) he got jumped! Haven't talked to him yet but other tennants / neighbours have told me that 2 guys jumped him and our tennant turned around and knocked out his attacker cold. The second guy then bolted, hopped the neighbours fence across the street and took off running down the alley. From what I've heard second hand or tennant was fine. Story goes that the guy was out/down for 15 minutes from the blow. The paramedics and police were called and the guy was eventually hauled off in the back of the police cruiser. Wow...who needs a security system! We'll just hope the rumours spread through the neighbourhood not to mess with the tough guy on the corner! Apparently the assailants were at a party down the street but no one there seemed to know them...or so the story goes!



Blogger Theresa said...

This post had a wistful tone. I think you do wish you were there, Richard.

7:29 PM  
Blogger Judith said...

Have you warned your current neighbors about the possibility of trouble, now that you are in the neighborhood?

12:58 PM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

And to think...oddly enough our new place is in a very similar set up...we are on a corner lot at a T intersection with a yeild sign and 3 doors down from a park!!! So yet again "we" should be safe. I'll keep an eye open for the guy 2 doors down to make sure his place doesn't get torched...(he's beside a pond though so ample water supply is available). As for the people across the street, if someone goes through the intersection at high speed they'll have to jump the creek before they hit the house. I guess if they do vere onto their driveway worst thing is they will end up in their garage.

Perhaps Theresa was right that I wish I had been there for all the action...as an observer though.

As the upstairs tennant was telling me the story (not the one who got jumped but the ones who moved into our old suite), the "complain-alls" (as my mother would say), my dark side was thinking, "Maybe you'll think the area is unsafe and move out". Yes a bad thought indeed (it was a bad -mood - Richard moment for sure). The latest complaint was that the caulking on the tub looked kind of gross. Although it was in tact 2 weeks ago when the plumber was there for a different issue, "the caulking, just fell out on it's own" I believe were her words...and it was for the entire lenghth of the tub! Ug. Me thinks it got a little help "falling" out.

Luckily it was Beth to the rescue. Lisa was going to do the caulking but since they don't want us to enter the suite at all even with advance notice unless they are there, it makes it difficult to set up a "convenient" time. So Beth did it / helped me with it and I think we did a fine job.


2:41 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Richard has bad mood moments?

5:45 PM  
Blogger Judith said...

Maybe every time you have to meet with them you could highlight the unsafeness of the neighborhood, just to give a little push towards getting out the door of Jones St. I am so tired of complainers, I just wish they would keep their lips zipped.

6:18 AM  

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