Saturday, October 31, 2009

Almost on vacation

A week to go!
October has been insane-so freaking busy.
We did a presentation to new ER staff on Wednesday on treating the psychiatric patient in ER. I enjoyed doing it. We do another 2 this week to hemodialysis staff on managing difficult patients-as they have some challenging ones and are having a tough time. I like doing this stuff a lot, but between teaching, working, and preparing this stuff, I require a vacation!
This 1st group of nursing students is almost done-I have to do all their evaluations this week as well as do orientation for new group coming in.
Help, running out of time.
Had another instructor shadowing me yesterday as it is my 1st time teaching-nervewracking, but she said I'm doing a great job, so that was reassuring. I am enjoying teaching a lot-it is nice to share information and I find I am learning at the same time, it takes a lot of energy to teach-have to be thinking all the time. It was good to have instructor shadowing me-reminds me what it is like for the students, which you can forget.
Also have to rake a whole lot of leaves-which will be my relaxation time I think. I can just zone out while doing it.
Went to massage several times last week as neck was seizing up. Saw another guy as 1st went on Sat when my regular therapist was not on. I kept rebooking with him because I thought-well, fine, just for this episode. But he kind of gave me the creeps after a while. He is funny looking-but whatever-buck teeth (with a lot of gum recession), short, thinning, blonde hair, round glasses. And he talked the whole time, often getting into stuff that I thought-dude-you don't know what I think about this and you are verging on offending me. Like talking about mental health issues-he knew I worked in psychiatry-and sort of verging on saying that mental health issues were basically treatable with a change of attitude. I suspect if it were that easy, there wouldn't be a mental health system. Referring to other patients of his-not by name, but really telling me too much. Yuck. Then telling me about problems within his clinic and how he was going to be leaving and sometimes sounding almost passive aggressive about it. Will be going back to my regular person thanks very much.
Will have to spend much time in Scottish pubs, relaxing.

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Blogger Theresa said...

I agree re pubs.
Is your "regular person" a code word for Richard?

1:22 PM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

No, regular massge therapist-but I will put this out to him as a thought.

5:17 PM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

If I give her a massage... oh...every couple of days...and I'm not considered her "regular person", I don't know what it would take. That's o.k. though as I'm considering dropping her as a client. She's pretty demanding...not booking appts. in advance, expecting me to be avail 24/7, available on vacations, all hours of the day and night, at home or while visiting family or friends

5:36 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Probably doesn't pay her bills either.

9:03 PM  

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