Monday, February 25, 2008

you win some, you lose some...

We had our Varsity fencing match with Aberystywyth (say it with me: A-ber-IST-i-with) on the weekend. It went pretty well, considering, in that the men's team kicked their butts and the women's team (sob) lost by one point. That said, Aber is in the BUSA league, which is the British Universities sports league. We don't even have a proper women's team and pulled one together in a month. So really, they should have beaten us definitively, and the fact that they didn't means I'm claiming a moral victory.

We won the foil and epee competitions and lost the sabre pretty dramatically. However, all three sabreuses (myself included) were asked to do it at the last minute and had about three lessons and two weeks' practice under our belts. I lost all of my matches but didn't embarass myself, and then in a surprise move was called to do epee as well, as I was the reserve epeeist and one of the main epeeists had two bad matches in a row. That went a lot better - I still lost, but got five points on them which was well better than I was expected to do (and also well better than the girl I replaced from the epee team). So in the end, I was quite pleased with how it went.

It's the Welsh Universities competition in Swansea this weekend. Don't expect to rank very high, but it should be a fun weekend nonetheless.


Blogger Judith said...

At least I can pronumce Swansea, without help.

11:23 AM  
Blogger Allison said...

A moral victory is the only kind worth having.

7:06 AM  
Blogger Allison said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:06 AM  

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