Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Currency Conversions

I never realized how convienent it is to have one money system for several countries. Now that we are in Prague, and are desperatly trying to figure out how to do the conversions quickly, I realize the great sense of the Euro. Last time that we were in a different money zone, it was Morocco, where our inability to convert cost us aproxametly ten times what we thought it would be. Here's hoping that doesn't happen again.


Blogger Stuffy said...

Will, if your electronic translator dies, try out
http://www.xe.com/ucc/convert.cgi for $$ and www.freetranslation.com for language. I have also heard a great tip - get a small notebook and write a few handy phrases of whatever language you need and some conversion amounts - ie. 1 kroner = a nickel so when you're trying to sort something out in your head and getting confused, you can just check the book.

11:14 AM  

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