Sunday, November 08, 2015

Our trip to Ontario went well, although I caught a nasty cold that was present the entire time. Gave me reason to nap.
We went to Niagara on the Lake for a night's get-away, had some family dinners, went out for dinner for jenny's birthday, went on boat at Niagara Falls, but mostly just visited everyone. everyone seems to be doing well. It is Gerry and Dorothy's 60th anniversary next May 31, so I think we will be going there again in May. My grad will be June 9 or 10, so will need to make sure that I am here for that, as I am not missing it.
Which brings me to my committee, as they said I wouldn't be ready to grad in February. (shakes fist in air). But I did meet with them this week, where they reassured me that it was good, just had a bit more to do, that wouldn't take long. I am trusting them on this. I think they felt bad about not graduating in February, as they gave me lots of praise. I needed it because when I got email saying I wouldn't graduate until May, I thought I would start crying. 
Work is going well-still enjoying it a lot-it is always interesting and never the same.
Mom is doing better, gout seems to have settled down, and she is able to eat more.
Is sunny day today, so hung out sheets, will see if they dry!
We will also be raking some leaves to bring to Jones, to discourage weeds.
Mom is making us pizza for supper!


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