Sunday, March 10, 2013


It was sunny today and yesterday. I had to write part of a paper, but managed to get outside and do some pruning of the apricot tree.
Our crocuses are blooming and the other bulbs are moving along too.
We went to see Jack the Giant Killer. Partway through the movie Richard said, 'hey isn't that the kid from About a Boy?' Indeed it was.
He has a keen eye for things.
I have redone the entire group program for the unit. I have to work from home to do that sort of thing. Work interferes with work. I am very productive from home, but I couldn't do it full time. I would end up a hermit. The more I am home, the less I want to leave it.
I am reading Far From the Tree by Andrew Soloman-great book. It is about parents of unusual kids-chapters on dwarfism, deaf, schizophrenia, prodigies etc. He must have interviewed 100's of people. Where does some one find the time for that?
I had a bag of birdseed sitting on the sidewalk. We watched as slowly over a couple weeks, it disappeared. The squirrels were at it. We should have moved it, but I felt happy knowing that they were getting lots of food.
Cats laid in the sun all afternoon.


Blogger Grace said...

I knew Jack looked familiar but couldn't place where I had seen him! Thanks Richard!

5:54 PM  

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