Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Things have been rearranged at work a bit, and I used the opportunity to suggest that I don't really need to be there on Tuesday mornings, so this is my first Tues a.m. off! Not quite Jude's three-day work week but I will take what I can get.

It is feeling like summer. Late August felt like fall. What the heck. The long weekend was perfect in many ways, starting with the weather. Also Sam, Grace and Jude were all here, the first we have seen Sam since his bike trip, so we got updated on that. Grace was camping for a couple of days but was around for visiting too. Geoff and Jude got looking at maps and accommodation for our road trip. Geoff went to the farmers' market and brought home 30 lbs of cucumbers so I made pickles on Saturday. We went to the city yesterday with the kids so we could pick up a couple of things (a mattress!) that wouldn't fit in Grace's new place. She had someone arranged to take them but the person backed out at the last minute. Tim says he will take the mattress so that worked out OK.

Still beautiful out so I'm going to go dig compost before work.

Oh, and Geoff has been working on the bathroom reno, it's going to look great.



Blogger Judith said...

I had a great time in Rocky, spent a lot of it sitting in a lawn chair just enjoying the weather. Also Geoff set up my bed downstairs in the bedroom of the suite, so I was happy about that too.

7:08 PM  
Anonymous bethsivak said...

Theresa - did you get your keys - mailed them 10 days ago.
Looking fwd to a visit from Laura starting tomorrow and then Jude on the 22nd. When do the Ferrie4s arrive on the great road trip?

11:55 AM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Yes the keys came yesterday. We will be there on Sept 24. Have to leave on the 25th though.

8:23 PM  

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