Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Four Strong Winds

Has been sung for 2009, and the festival is over. I had a great time this year (of course I always do). It was a bit weird, that we had so few people on the tarp this year, but we made the best of the space, many naps were had. I did not go on Thursday night, Allison could not make it, and I decided that I did not feel like going alone, so skipped out. Friday night Allison and I met at the site, I had gotten there a bit earlier so laid the tarp. Had an argument with one of my neighbors on the hill (I was feeling very bad mood Jude that night). but once I had a little food, and started listening to music, I felt more in the folk fest mood. I caught some great acts on the weekend, I especially liked Johnny Flynn and the Sussex Wit, and David Francey was his usual funny self, and I now love Joel Plasket and what can you say about Fred Eaglesmith (Theresa and Grace have decided to become Fredheads). Theresa and Grace got there around 8:00, with the good news that Geoff had come to the city with them, and he would be our chauffeur for the weekend. What luxery, we just called when we were ready to leave and Geoff showed up with the car, he got up early in the morning, and drove us, it made things just that much easier.

Saturday morning we were a little sluggish, and just missed getting a colour (sob). But Allison worked her magic and the Wurman group gave us one of theirs (after their winning colour had already been called), you will have to Allison how she accomplished this. Allison came through for us again with an excellent tarp placement. The day was warm and sunny, and since I did not have any people I felt as though I HAD to see, it was nice to drift from stage to stage and listen to new people. that also led to a trip to the CD tent, and support of those artists.

Sunday we were a little more with it, and got colours( second colour called) and Allison, got one of the alltime best tarp placements. Those who have done the tarp run will apreciate this story, at one point Sunday morning while we were all trying to get in, a guy got his colour and wanted to to give it back and get another one, because his friend all ready had that colour. Grace stayed in Edmonton, since she did not have to work until tonight, and she and I stayed to the bitter end, singing Four Strong Winds together. Steven Page was the last act of the festival and I thought he did an outstanding job. Best stage for me with multiple acts was the one with David Francey, Eivor and Spirit of the West, best concert Fred Eaglesmith and best mainstage act Johnny Flynn and the Sussex with.

Yesterday was pretty lazy, Grace and I slept in, went for Thai Food for lunch, a little shopping, then home for a nap, and then it was time to head over to the bus, and say good bye til Friday.

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Blogger Theresa said...

It was a great weekend. If you can swing it, a chauffeur is the way to go. Yes, I think I am turning into a Fredhead. He comes to Rocky once in a while. I also loved Raul Malo and Jill Bennett. Allison is the queen of the tarps; she not only lays them well she arranges to get a colour when we need it. I am guessing we didn't win the golden tarp again; I'm sure Grace would have mentioned it when she got home.

8:19 AM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

What did you argue about? I ahve been bad mood lisa for a week too. I blame the knee for everything.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Judith said...

Well, I got there and laid out my tarp, we were on the other side of the walk way, to the right of the stage, so I wanted to be at a bit of an angle. After I got set up, and was just sitting there, this group of people came and put down 2 tarps behind me, which was fine, except they were overlapping a bit on my tarp, not enough really to complain about. Then there was this voice behind me saying be careful I am right behind you, hammering in the pegs. So I turned around and gave a bit of glare to the woman hammeering, and then the man who was there said you know if you move your tarp, so it lines up then we would not have open space. So I said back, if you want to move your tarp you could move it over closer to the pathway, (there was still about one tarps length right next to him). Then he said I only said that because she kept looking at us. so I gave another glare, and did not say anything. Then as the night went on we noticed that they were not there for most of the evening anyway, must have been at the beer tent, and left early. humph, Theresa says it was because they were afraid of me and my hammer. But really I was just trying to protect my territory.

2:20 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Grace and I were afraid of Jude and her hammer.

5:02 PM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

I'd rather than be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, if I only could, I surely would.

11:10 AM  

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